Home Church started with the hope of introducing, or reintroducing, people to a God who is in love with them. We wanted to know what it would be like if we started a church where you weren’t required to believe or even act like a Christian to attend.
Pretending to be someone we are not is one of the greatest obstacles to authentic spiritual growth and one of the saddest realities of our time. Though none of us should feel settled to stay as we are, we want to create an environment where all of us are free to come as we are.
We have seen that relationships are one of the primary vehicles through which we see and experience God, so our hope is that by inviting people into our lives with God, that they are not only able to experience love and friendship, but God as well. When we say that “No one belongs here more than you,” we hope that it is true of the most faithful follower of Jesus and the most faithless doubter, the most devout lover of God and the most experienced sinner.
So you’ll see people at Home Church who almost glow with the joy of relationship with God, and you’ll see others whom you never thought would darken the doors of a church.
And we like it that way.
None of us are beyond the need for grace, nor are any of us beyond the reach of grace. None of us are too old to grow in grace and none too young to experience it. If you’re wondering for whom Home Church exists, it’s for you and for all of us – the righteous, the self-righteous, and the unrighteous.